Have you listened to Founders?

David Senra does the podcast. He'll read a biography of a famous "founder", then spend 40 minutes to an hour describing his main takeaways. It's very good. Senra is passionate about these people:


He has (at least) 3 episodes on Napoleon: #294, #302, and #337. I liked episode #294 the best of the three, but if you want to go deeper on Napoleon, there's a lot there! Cheers!

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Jun 17Liked by Sam Jamieson

Cool about Napoleon's brushes with death. Did u watch the new movie? I haven't and won't, but I heard it was pretty bad by a critique I know.

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I haven’t seen it yet but plan to. Although I don’t know why because I’ve heard the same as you, that it’s no good. 😅

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Jun 17Liked by Sam Jamieson

Geez just checked and even on imdb and rotten tomatoes (which are always generous imo) it's barely gotten 60%... Must be utter trash... Mate use that 2.5 hrs to watch an all-time great instead, your brain will thank u later 😁

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Jun 17Liked by Sam Jamieson

Happy Father's Day to you too Sam! Your girls are lucky to have you.

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I’ve listened to a few episodes. I love what he does. I should listen to it more. Thank you so much for naming those Napoleon episodes! I will absolutely check them out.

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